Saturday, July 9, 2011


Wow, I was just checking my twitter account and realized I hadn't seen any posts from a certain blogger I've been following.  So I searched her name - she's posted a bunch in the past two days.  Yet, none showed up in my twitter feed.  Checked my follow list - not there.  Tried to follow her again, and got an error message...

Now, either Twitter is being stupid (which is quite possible...) OR she blocked me.  Really?  Are we that pathetic?  Maybe I was commenting too many times to her feed, I don't know.  I replied once, as a joke, and maybe she took it serious.  I don't know.

All I can say is -  Get over yourself...

I will stop commenting, stop reading, stop thinking about her... didn't mean to offend anyone, but I guess that just comes naturally for me.