Monday, July 28, 2008

JobSeeker Resume Tip

JobSeeker Resume Tip: Speak Their Language
When you're writing your resume, you need to use the keywords specific to your profession to signal to employers that you know the industry inside and out. Look at a variety of help wanted ads for the type of position you want, paying attention to the tasks, responsibilities, and requirements for each job. You'll notice that these ads will often use the same wording. For instance, chef ads usually specify experience needed in terms of covers per night, food production costs, expedition, plating, health code compliance, culinary degree, supply requisitioning, menu development, and back-of-house management. Make a list of these job requirement keywords and compare that to your skill set and current job functions. In your resume, describe your skills and experience with those keywords. Then you'll be speaking their language, and employers will want to listen.
