Monday, July 14, 2008

JobSeeker Interview Tip


JobSeeker Interview Tip: Please and Thank You
Many job seekers are afraid of seeming formal or old-fashioned in today's fast-paced online job market. But some things never go out of style, like sending a personal thank you letter after an interview. It's like dressing up for an interview - a formal gesture that shows the employer how much thought you've put into the application process, and what their time means to you. Keep your letter short and start by thanking your interviewer for meeting you. Then reinforce your interest in the job and your qualifications based on what you learned during the interview. Finish with a suggestion for future correspondence. You can also use this letter as an opportunity to ask further questions about the job, clarify a response given during the interview, reiterate why you're the best candidate, and anything you may have forgotten during the interview. Send the thank you letter the day of the interview if possible, or the day after. Your prospective employer will appreciate the courtesy and will be more likely to remember you. Though a paper letter is the most formal choice, it's fine to send this letter by email in most cases. After all, you want to show that you have modern computer skills as well as classic manners and style.