Things on my mind…
1. I want a house, but for different reasons than most. I want a house so I can have a kitchen that is mine, that doesn’t have a washer and dryer in it. I want a house so I can have a dog. I want a house so I can host a BBQ party. I want a house so I have a place to do all my hobbies. I want a house so I have a lawn to mow. I want a house so I have a place to feel at home.
2. I follow too many blogs and podcasts. My Google Reader hasn’t been empty in over a year now, and I always seem to be playing catch-up. I’ll read all of one blog, then move to the next, and by the time I get to the end, the beginning is full again. Same with my iTunes. There’s not enough time in the week for me to listen to all the weekly podcasts that I am subscribed to. Fortunately, they span a good range of topics, and if that topic doesn’t entertain me at the moment, I just let it sit until it does.
3. Words with Friends is too addictive. I’ve just been playing random opponents, but I have about five games going on right now. It has become the Angry Birds replacement…
4. I hate that my sister lives on the other side of the country. And while I’d like to admit that it’s 100% because I love and miss her, if I am completely honest, I would admit that I’ve grown used to her living thousands of miles away… the true reason is that I miss my niece. I don’t want to be that silent relative that she only sees at Christmas. I had too many of them growing up, and unfortunately, I feel like I missed out on that “close family bond” that other kids had.
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Sweat Vittoria, at one month old. How can I not miss this?! |
5. I waste a lot of food… but not a lot of money. See, it’s cheaper to buy a bag of apples and let one or two go bad than it is to buy individual apples. So while I don’t always like that I am throwing out food, I know that I am saving money in doing so. This is another area where I wish I had a house – I could compost all of those foods… but I don’t think my apartment-neighbors would appreciate me composting on my balcony.
6. I am addicted to Twitter . Whenever I have to go an extended amount of time (oh, anything past an hour or so…) I start wondering what everyone is doing. Just another product of our detached society.
7. There’s a certain young lady who I am crazy about – but who has no interest in me. Considering we’ve never truly me and she already hates me, seems I should just find someone else to dote on.
8. I really need to decide what I want to be when I grow up… err, when I get older. While there are parts of me that enjoy being an architect, it doesn’t hold the satisfaction that it once did. Being a medic has been a wonderful experience, and every night I work, I go to bed knowing I have made the difference in somebody’s life. But I’m not sure if that’s what I want to do, day in and day out. I have contemplated going to culinary school, but let’s be honest, I can’t afford it and going back to school in my mid-thirties scares the living crap out of me. So I have no clue what I want to be when I get older…
9. I’d really like to make this blog more than it is… but for the life of me, I don’t know where to take it. Right now, I seem to just ramble a lot, but it’s hard for me to cook much in my tiny cluttered apartment. And again, knowing that nobody reads it makes it less enticing to put much effort into it. <shrug> We’ll see.
10. My parents are on their way out to see me right now. It’s become a tradition that every year, they come out to visit me and we go to the Maryland Wine Festival. All of Maryland’s wineries set up big circus tents, and one you pay the admission and get your tasting glass, you get to walk around and taste all of the different wines. Live music, carnival-style food, and lots of wine… so long as the weather holds, it makes for a good day.
Ok, off to read another cookbook…