
I stopped at the local running store tonight, mostly to grab a few gel and try to motivate myself some. I was looking at the case of GPS watches, and one of the workers informed me that the Garmin rep was actually going to be there doing a demonstration… in an hour! So I ran out, grabbed something quick to eat (oops!), and was back there to hear the schpeal. I will admit, I already had my mind made up to which one I wanted… but after listening to him talk, now I’m not so sure. I really liked one of the lesser models, for the more “everyday” stuff. I could see me wearing it as a watch, and monitoring my heart rate as the day went on, etc. But for running, I’m not convinced it would do what I want it to do. The one I really didn’t like at the start, but found myself leaning towards at the end, was the massive 310XT. This watch can do everything except fly the space shuttle! I really liked some of the functionality of it, the ease of use, and it was the only watch with a vibration alarm – something I am EXTREMELY interested in! So now I’m not sure what I want. I guess my big holdup is that I don’t think of myself as a runner, so I’m having a hard time justifying the cost of this beast.
On a side note (see the ‘oops’ above), I was limited for time and availability, so I had a burger from BK. I know this goes against my no fast food rule for the month, but there wasn’t much other option. And I didn’t go all out like I normally would’ve.
So sue me…
I do need to mention, though, that I was extremely disappointed with this local store. I know I am bigger than most runners - 6'-4", about 240# - but they had ZERO clothing options for me. Not even their stupid-design t-shirt. Nothing was over an XL... my shoulders require a XXL. Nothing anywhere near my length for pants, nothing in my waist size. I can buy shoes, socks, and hats from them, and that's about it. I am trying to be a "support local stores" type of person, but when your local store doesn't support YOU, why the hell should I?! I think it's pathetic. And no, I did not ask the employees if they could order anything - ultimately, if I need to order it to get it, there's no use doing it from the store. I can go to a different, non-local store and get it much faster. This weekend, I plan to visit two or three other stores - all over an hour away, but if they have what I fit in, well-worth it. Ok, rant over...