Documenting my trials and tribulations of the kitchen, from trying to get into culinary school to just plain having fun cooking for friends, all while trying to get healthy, and with a little bit about life thrown in for good balance.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Second-guessing my goals
Spoiled Rotten - How to Store Fruits and Vegetables
The results, reported in 2002, were pretty shocking. The families tossed out an average of 470 pounds of food per year—about 14 percent of all food brought into the home—at an annual cost of $600. Every day, they discarded more than half a pound of fruits and veggies. In total, Americans chuck a fourth of all the produce they buy, mostly because it's gone bad, says Timothy Jones, PhD, contemporary archaeologist at the University of Arizona. Nationally, we dump $43 billion worth of food every year.
Wasting produce is, well, a waste—bad for our wallets and bad for the environment. Plus, who wants to make a salad when confronted with a bin of rotting sludge? All this led us to ask: How can we keep produce fresh longer?
Use trapped ethylene to your advantage: To speed-ripen a peach, put it in a closed paper bag with a ripe banana. One bad apple really can spoil the whole bunch. Mold proliferates rapidly and contaminates everything nearby, so toss any spoiled produce immediately.
For longer life, keep your produce whole—don't even rip the stem out of an apple until you eat it. "As soon as you start pulling fruits and vegetables apart," says Barry Swanson, a food scientist at Washington State University, "you've broken cells, and microorganisms start to grow."
Cold-sensitive fruits and veggies lose flavor and moisture at low temperatures. Store them on the counter, not in the fridge. Once they're fully ripe, you can refrigerate them to help them last, but for best flavor, return them to room temp.
Never refrigerate potatoes, onions, winter squash or garlic. Keep them in a cool, dark, dry cabinet, and they can last up to a month or more. But separate them so their flavors and smells don't migrate.
"The main way to lengthen shelf life is by using cold temperatures to slow food's respiration, or 'breathing' process," explains Marita Cantwell, PhD, a postharvest specialist at the University of California, Davis. In general, the warmer the temperature, the faster the rate of respiration, which is why refrigeration is critical for most produce. But while you want to slow it down, you don't want to stop the breathing altogether. "The worst thing to do is seal fruits and vegetables in an airtight bag," says Barry Swanson, a food scientist at Washington State University. "You'll suffocate them and speed up decay."
Some fruits emit ethylene, an odorless, colorless gas that speeds ripening and can lead to the premature decay of nearby ethylene-sensitive vegetables. Put spinach or kale in the same bin as peaches or apples, and the greens will turn yellow and limp in just a couple of days. So the first trick is to separate produce that emits ethylene from produce that's sensitive to it. (See "Gas Wars" sidebar.)
REFRIGERATE THESE GAS RELEASERS Apples Apricots Cantaloupe Figs Honeydew | DON'T REFRIGERATE THESE GAS RELEASERS Avocados Bananas, unripe Nectarines Peaches Pears Plums Tomatoes | KEEP THESE AWAY FROM ALL GAS RELEASERS Bananas, ripe Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Cucumbers Eggplant Lettuce and other leafy greens Parsley Peas Peppers Squash Sweet potatoes Watermelon |
At least as important as how you store produce is when you buy it. Do all your other shopping first so that your berries and broccoli don't get warm—and respire rapidly—while you're picking up nonperishable items. Get the produce home and into the fridge as soon as possible. If you'll be making several stops between the market and kitchen, put a cooler in the car. Shop farmers' markets soon after they open: Just-harvested greens wilt rapidly once they've been in the sun for a few hours.
Even under optimal conditions, fragile raspberries will never last as long as thick-skinned oranges. Eat more perishable items first (see "Fastest to Slowest Spoilers" sidebar). And if you still find yourself with a bushel of ripe produce—and a business trip around the bend—improvise. Make a fruit pie, a potful of soup or a great big vat of tomato sauce, and throw it in the freezer. You'll relish your foresight when you get home.
Fastest to Slowest Spoilers: What to Eat First You can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables with just a single weekly trip to the supermarket, with proper storage and a little planning. The key is eating the more perishable produce early on. Use this guide, right—created with the help of Marita Cantwell, PhD, postharvest specialist at the University of California, Davis—based on a Sunday shopping trip. The timing suggestions are for ready-to-eat produce, so allow extra days for ripening if you're buying, say, green bananas or not-quite-ripe pears. And remember, looks count. Appearance—vivid green spinach; smooth, unbruised peaches; plump oranges—is the best clue to whether fruits and veggies are fresh to begin with. | |||
Eat First: Sunday to Tuesday Artichokes Asparagus Avocados Bananas Basil Broccoli Cherries Corn Dill Green beans Mushrooms Mustard greens Strawberries Watercress | Eat Next: Wednesday to Friday Arugula Cucumbers Eggplant Grapes Lettuce Lime Mesclun Pineapple Zucchini | Eat Last: Weekend Apricots Bell peppers Blueberries Brussels sprouts Cauliflower Grapefruit Leeks Lemons Mint Oranges Oregano Parsley Peaches Pears Plums Spinach Tomatoes Watermelon | And Beyond Apples Beets Cabbage Carrots Celery Garlic Onions Potatoes Winter squash |
My Legs Hurt Until Mile 3. What Gives?
My Legs Hurt Until Mile 3. What Gives?
12/06/2010 7:08 AMI'm training for my first half-marathon. I experience a great deal of pain in my lower legs for the first three miles or so. The funny thing is, after the three-mile mark (or occasionally four on a really bad day), the pain goes away. I have tried stretching before and during the run, and I have been professionally fitted for the right shoes several times, but nothing seems to help. Any advice would be helpful! Thanks, Katelyn
Katelyn, the most likely reason that your pain is disappearing around the 3- or 4-mile mark is because your lower legs have finally warmed up by that point. As we run, blood flow and body temperature increase, which helps the body’s soft tissues become more pliable.
However, the lower leg has a large amount of thick connective tissue known as fascia. Fascia covers both bones of the lower leg (the tibia and the fibula) as well as the space between these bones. Fascia is very fibrous and tough, which allows it to provide support and protection to these bones, but it also means that it takes fascia longer to warm up.
I suggest you consult with a sports medicine professional, specifically a sports-oriented podiatrist or orthopedist, for a proper diagnosis. The pain could be the result of a number of conditions, so the correct diagnosis is needed before determining your treatment options.
In the meantime, it is important that you allow the time on your runs for this 3- or 4-mile warm up period. Run slowly or walk first, and also try some walk/run/walk breaks to facilitate the warm up and reduce the stress on your lower legs, then gradually increase your pace. Thoroughly warm up before stretching; stretch after the 3 or 4 mile warm up period or at the completion of your training run.
Stretch your calves by extending one leg behind you with your knee locked and bending your front knee. This stretch targets the gastrocnemius, the most superficial calf muscle. Then stretch the deeper muscles of the calf, the soleus and tibialias posterior by bending your back knee. You can increase the intensity of these stretches by elevating placing a rolled up hand towel under the ball of your back foot. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and repeat several times.
Best Wishes!
Susan Paul, MS
Susan Paul has coached more than 2,000 runners and is an exercise physiologist and program director for the Orlando Track Shack Foundation. For more information, visit
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Food Trends: Canning, men cooking, local
CHICAGO, Dec. 27 (UPI) -- Home canning, more men cooking and buying local food top next year's expected food trends, officials at The Food Channel say.
The Food Channel, along with CultureWaves, Mintel International and International Food Futurists, identified the most significant food trends that will drive how people eat throughout 2011.
"The new economy has created a boldness and willingness to change how we work, how we cook and how we eat. All of our 2011 trends reflect that in some way," Kay Logsdon, editor of The Food Channel, says in a statement. "One example is baby boomers wanting to age well. For example, trend No. 10 explains they are eating for better sex, more energy and the ability to work longer."
The Food Channel's top 10 trends for 2011 are:
-- The canning comeback, something grandma did is gaining popularity for both economy and health.
-- More men cooking because of layoffs.
-- People wanting to get food grown locally.
-- Americans are of tired of being told what they can eat.
-- Social media working as a food guide and coupon source.
-- Corporations thinking like small businesses to respond to a changing market.
-- More fresh foods daily via gardens.
-- Bringing chefs to schools to improve taste and improve diet.
-- Eating out of the box, because change makes people comfortable with more change.
-- Eating for better sex and better health to live longer and healthier.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Treadmill vs the Road
First off, I am not in good enough shape to run 170 steps a minute for 5 minutes straight without maxing out my heart rate (which I am trying to avoid...) I backed the interval timer back to 2 minutes running and continued on... but by the end of the run, I was almost at reversed intervals - 1 minute of running to 2-3 minutes walking. My ankles and shins hurt, my lungs felt horrible, and my motivation fell through one of the sewer grates.
That's when I started thinking of the differences between the treadmill and the road. When I ran on the 'mill, it didn't seem to hurt as much. My guess is because it's a softer surface... ? I know I like the "open air" and changing scenery of running outside, but I am starting to think I need to find someplace much softer to run than the roads...
I am also starting to think my form is effecting my pain levels. I must not have the Chi Running form right. I guess I will have to re-read some of the book and watch the DVD again. This morning, I sent an email to a local Chi Running trainer asking for his advice... there's a one-day course in March - the day after my 10K. So I may sign up for a private lesson... perhaps having his trained feedback will get me to where I need to be. I've also started to scour the used listings for a 'mill of my own... the station just isn't an option for me these days.
I leave for my parent's house in two days, so my running may taper more (which means it will be non-existent...)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Play time
First off, that metronome is annoying! And I didn't know my legs could move that fast, either... not that I was covering a lot of ground, but still. The interval timer was nice, and was very easy to keep up with. The 'nome is going to take some time to get used to, I think, especially since I normally take a longer, slower stride. Both of the electronics were easy to use, quick to understand, and I can immediately see the future benefit of using them. Excellent...
My ankle fared quite well. I had no pain or discomfort during the run, and only minor stiffness this morning. Granted, I only ran about 2 miles... and with the quick pace, my stride was REAl short - especially for a tall guy like me. I did have a bit of shin discomfort, but in talking with one of the career EMTs at the station (who happens to have a degree in physical therapy...) it is most likely caused by tight calf muscles. She gave me a few exercise/stretches to do to help relax that.
For the first time in a long while, I finished my quick routine feeling excited and optimistic about running.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Another toy!

My First (and Second...) Race Entry
I must be crazy! I can't even run a mile without getting winded right now - and yet, I signed up for TWO... yes TWO... races today.

The first is the Marine Corps Irish Sprint 10K on March 26, 2011. The second is a hometown race - the Frederick 5K, on May 7, 2011. Part of me is really excited - but a part of me is scared beyond belief right now! We'll see... maybe this will help keep me motivated. I sure hope so, because entry fees are non-refundable.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I’ve been contemplating my situation a lot lately… mostly while laying in bed, waiting to fall asleep. I am starting to think that I am afraid of pain. I seem to do everything I can to avoid pain, whether it be a physical pain (my ankles and shins…), an emotional pain (closed relationships…), or a mental pain (memories that always seem to keep me down…). All day long, I think about running, about how nice it looks outside, and how I want to go home and run… but then I get out of work, drive home, and plop on the couch. I look at my running shoes and think about how I should go run, but I don’t do it. The last time I ran, it hurt. Pain is not fun. Therefore, running must not be fun. But I want it to be, so badly.
Perhaps I am not as afraid of pain as I am of success. If I look at my life in a much more broad sense I can see other patterns… degrees obtained, but no licensure; hobbies studied, but never performed past the classroom; opportunities with some risk but with great potential are turned down. I could go on… I think I am afraid of succeeding at something. I already know I hate the spotlight, which is why I always take the pictures, but am rarely in them. I don’t like to be the focus… and success makes you so, whether intentionally or not. Maybe my lack of running stems from some deep-seated psychological issue, and I will never equate to anything more than a basket-case runner-wannabe.
Or perhaps I am just lazy…
Monday, December 13, 2010
Under the Weather
On a different note, I am going to look at a used treadmill tonight. I need something cheap, but sturdy for my "big bones". With the weather consistently in the teens with winds in the 20-30 mph range, running outside is quickly becoming a non-option.
Friday, December 10, 2010

After reading about it online somewhere, I decided to purchase an interval timer to help me train properly. After reviewing a few of them, I decided upon the GymBoss Interval Timer.
Ordered on Monday, it arrived yesterday - quicker than I expected! I can't wait to play with this puppy! I will, of course, give my full review after I have become familiar with it...

I've met with some resistance as I've begun, and those "insiders" have proven to be fairly "exclusive" which has been a disappointment, but the desire is still there. Some of my setbacks have been physical - I have a recurring issue with sin splints and ankle pain. I've recently taken a 2-week hiatus to let things heel up, and I plan to start again... from the beginning. In my time off, I have discovered and begun to study Chi Running (see for more information). I have yet to apply the principles I have read about and watched, but am hopeful that this new style will help alleviate my pain problems...
To motivate me, I have set a few goals... my first goal, which sounds simple to those who have been running for more than a month, is to run a 5k race... without walking. For me, that feels like a huge obstacle. My "big goal" for 2011, though, is to run in the Marine Corps Marathon in October. So long as I don't putz around too much, I should be able to get into shape and make a go at it safely, without risking too much damage to pride or body. And obviously, through all of this, I hope to lose some weight and start leading a more fit lifestyle.
If you please to follow me as I run back into a shape other than "round", I welcome you... perhaps we shall meet on the trail some day... but until then, have a good evening.