Last night, I finally decided it was time for me to start a kitchen garden. On my way home from work, I stopped by the local supplier and bought $150 worth of plants, seeds, and pots. Wow. I got 2 different tomato plants, a few different types of herbs, 2 green pepper plants, and 2 jalapeno pepper plants. I also had to get a few seed packets, since they didn’t have chives in plant form. The pots I got are self-watering plastic pots. I read somewhere that these self-watering types are much better for patio gardens, because they feed from the bottom up, and don’t need fertilizer as often. I am going to try to do this completely organic – no chemical feeds, fertilizers, etc. I will hopefully be able to get a few pictures of my patio oasis soon.
On a different note, I have found two new magazines that I absolutely fell in love with. One is called “The Herb Companion”. It’s a bi-monthly publication that is 100% about herbs. There are recipes, growing tips, medicinal tips, articles about where to buy them, etc. It’s a really good publication. The other is “Grow.” It’s a brand new publication, put out by Fine Gardening Magazine, on growing vegetables, with articles highlighting each type of vegetable. But I don’t know if it’s going to be a continuous publication, or if it’s just a summer special. Time will tell, but the first two volumes have been great. Check them both out!